Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I thought I would update a little bit about Toronto life as well since all I've posted is the life in Elliot Lake so far. We spend this year's Mother day at Shano's Apartment, since my mom is in Taiwan and Guy is in Toronto. We joined Shaun, William and Scott to celebrate this special day for their dear moms.

The food was so good that I was eating too much and can barely walk after. William's mom brought a little Yorkie - Amy. What a cute dog, as soon as she reaches the balcony, she was shaking non-stop. Guy picked her up and warmed her up with his jacket. I think she fell in love with Guy after he did that. What a cute puppy!

We decided to get the party started so Guy and Williman decided to play pool and helped burnt a little bit of food away. This is first time I saw Guy playing Pool, William's mom asked him "Hey Guy, do you play pool?" Guy said "I read the book once", everybody was laughing and thought he doesn't know how to play at all. When we started the game, Guy was kicking everybody's ass. Even I didn't know he is such a good player, way to go hun!

To Keep the competition going, we went upstairs and start playing Guitar Hero. Guy once again was topping the game with perfect socre until I kicked his ass! Muwahha....but I was on easy mode, he is on medium mode! I gotta admit that Guy is definitely a quick learner. He no longer shines when we started the Karaoke game and everybody was nagging him to sing! Oh what a great day, we had a lot of pictures and food! The desserts are so good, we had to have a take out at the end of night. Happy Mother's Day Ever mother out there. :)

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