Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I thought I would update a little bit about Toronto life as well since all I've posted is the life in Elliot Lake so far. We spend this year's Mother day at Shano's Apartment, since my mom is in Taiwan and Guy is in Toronto. We joined Shaun, William and Scott to celebrate this special day for their dear moms.

The food was so good that I was eating too much and can barely walk after. William's mom brought a little Yorkie - Amy. What a cute dog, as soon as she reaches the balcony, she was shaking non-stop. Guy picked her up and warmed her up with his jacket. I think she fell in love with Guy after he did that. What a cute puppy!

We decided to get the party started so Guy and Williman decided to play pool and helped burnt a little bit of food away. This is first time I saw Guy playing Pool, William's mom asked him "Hey Guy, do you play pool?" Guy said "I read the book once", everybody was laughing and thought he doesn't know how to play at all. When we started the game, Guy was kicking everybody's ass. Even I didn't know he is such a good player, way to go hun!

To Keep the competition going, we went upstairs and start playing Guitar Hero. Guy once again was topping the game with perfect socre until I kicked his ass! Muwahha....but I was on easy mode, he is on medium mode! I gotta admit that Guy is definitely a quick learner. He no longer shines when we started the Karaoke game and everybody was nagging him to sing! Oh what a great day, we had a lot of pictures and food! The desserts are so good, we had to have a take out at the end of night. Happy Mother's Day Ever mother out there. :)

Bike Trip

It has been a while since I last updated the blog. It has been quite hectic for the last few weeks trying to get things in place so we can work according to the plan. I came up and helped Guy get the stuff out of the way at the first weekend of May. I was amazed to see the progress on the basement with the door and also the carpet. Furby had a blast playing with Cash in the house (non stop chasing around....whew). During the weekend, we spent a day with the kids and we took a bike trip down on one of the trails near Mike's house. Oh what a day, I must say. This is my first time going on Guy's Rhino - his baby - and the road was so bumpy. Dominique's 4 wheeler was not working properly when we first started, so we had to bring the car home and have him sit at the back of the Rhino with us instead.

I sat at the back with the kid from time to time so they can enjoy the view from the front seat as well. As what Guy said, it's definitely priceless that we can "hold hands, drink coffee, enjoy the view, and listen to music, have 2 kids at the back while driving." He was definitely proud of the fact what Rhino can provide us. We had many stops at a lot of beautiful lakes, snacking away and enjoy some beers (I didn't drink, of course).

There are still snow on the ground, on the way home, we went back to the Pit that we've originally visited and Guy started driving on the pit - Okay, that is reallyl different from what "Scooter" can do. LOL I was bragging about me having experiences driving scooters in Taiwan so I wasn't afraid when Rhino was going too fast. We were up at the hill and drive down on an almost 90 degrees sand band, oh boy, was I scared! It's definitely a great experience.

Dominique was trying to wrestle with Guy when we were taking a break, Maliika came in and save Dominique, later all three of them were on top of Guy! It's such a cute scene.

Dominique also tried driving the Rhino by himself at the end of the day, I drove half of the trip on the way back, Guy was a bit scared at first but later he was comfortable enough to sit beside me since he grabbed my camera and started snapping shots everywhere.
We ended the day having dinner at Mike's - Lori cook another delicious meal! Went home at around 11pm, kids were both tired. What a great day and a great experience! I can see why Guy is so proud of his Rhino, the ride was definitely a smooth one, but we managed so snap a two good shots of Mike and Luke on the way home! I think they will be happy to see when we bring the pictures to them.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Almost done!

How is the progress in Elliot Lake might you ask?! Well, it's been an upward battle. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. The basement apartment is almost complete. The only things that are left to do are: The vent for the bathroom, a shelf and tidy up the laundry room. That is it!
Armand moved in a few days ago and let me tell you, i am quite jealous. I should of done the modification a long time ago. Thank to everyone that gave me a hand with the remodeling.

The ice huts are back in the yard. That's an other thing i can scrach of the list. Had to move a lot of things around the yard before i brought them in. Oh, and also brought back the snowmobile from the bush. That's one more thing taken care of. Thanks Jay.

Talking about the bush. Today was the last day at the sugar bush. Mike and i spent 2 days demobbing to hill and cleaning everything. Not to bad of a season. The temperature did not cooperate but we still managed to do 102 liters of syrup. We are all sold out! weehoo...well we have 4 left... it will go fast.

The only thing i got to do before Melissa comes up for the weekend are: Clean the house, do laundry and getting things ready. There is a few odds and ends but Martin said he will take care of it. Thanks brother.

What a month this has been. I can now focus my attention to my new life. Thanks Melissa for being so supportive with everything. I LOVE YOU!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Boiling Time

Sugar bush season is coming to the end while the snow are gradually melting on the hill, SAP are running down and filled up the bucket for the last whole week. It's the boiling time for the syrup now. Jay, Pascal and Guylain visited the bush on Sunday and boiled the SAP, Guy explained to Jay how to process SAP to obtain maple syrup.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Another Newly discovered Country Song Singer I like - Adam Gregory

I have been listening to a lot of country music lately - Ya Guy is turning me into a country girl that's for sure. One thing I love the most about country music is their lyrics. Most of them are so geniune and down to earth. It really depicts the feeling and emotion of how people would feel if they are in love. I found a lot of lyrics are so beautiful. I decided to post some of the singers I started to like (mind you I never knew they even existed before, I think they are pretty awesome)

Only Know I do

How do you explain the way
the stars just hang way up in the sky
How do you explain the way
rain goes away whenever you walk by

It's a mystery just how
life can lead to a place you've never been
You've knocked on that doora hundred times before
when it suddenly let you in

I don't know why
I've been so blessed to love someone like you
I don't know whyI must confess
I only know I do

And how do you explain the way
my world has changed right before my eyes
And how do you explain the way
you gave me wingswhen I swore I could never fly

It's a mystery what you've done for me
I'm at a place I've never beenI've knocked on that door
a hundred times before
now you've suddenly let me in

In my heart, I won't question
I'll just lay here in your arms

Song that introduce me to Garth Brookes

To Make You Fell My Love -Written by Bob Dylan

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong

I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging on the rollin' sea
Down on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
But you ain't seen nothing like me yet

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
I know there's nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for youTo make you feel my love
To make you feel my love

Our Song

When we were driving to Niagara Falls, Guy heard Josh Turner playing on the radio, he said to me "This will be our song"

Would You Go With Me - Josh Turner

Would you go with me if we rolled down streets of fire
Would you hold on to me tighter as the summer sun got higher
If we roll from town to town and never shut it down

Would you go with me if we were lost in fields of clover
Would we walk even closer until the trip was over
And would it be okay if I didn't know the way

If I gave you my hand would you take it
And make me the happiest man in the world
If I told you my heart couldn't beat one more minute without you, girl
Would you accompany me to the edge of the sea
Let me know if you're really a dreamI love you so, so would you go with me

Would you go with me if we rode the clouds together
Could you not look down forever
If you were lighter than a feather
Oh, and if I set you free, would you go with me

If I gave you my hand would you take it
And make me the happiest man in the world
If I told you my heart couldn't beat one more minute without you, girl
Would you accompany me to the edge of the sea
Help me tie up the ends of a dream
I gotta know, would you go with me
I love you so, so would you go with me