Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Almost done!

How is the progress in Elliot Lake might you ask?! Well, it's been an upward battle. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. The basement apartment is almost complete. The only things that are left to do are: The vent for the bathroom, a shelf and tidy up the laundry room. That is it!
Armand moved in a few days ago and let me tell you, i am quite jealous. I should of done the modification a long time ago. Thank to everyone that gave me a hand with the remodeling.

The ice huts are back in the yard. That's an other thing i can scrach of the list. Had to move a lot of things around the yard before i brought them in. Oh, and also brought back the snowmobile from the bush. That's one more thing taken care of. Thanks Jay.

Talking about the bush. Today was the last day at the sugar bush. Mike and i spent 2 days demobbing to hill and cleaning everything. Not to bad of a season. The temperature did not cooperate but we still managed to do 102 liters of syrup. We are all sold out! weehoo...well we have 4 left... it will go fast.

The only thing i got to do before Melissa comes up for the weekend are: Clean the house, do laundry and getting things ready. There is a few odds and ends but Martin said he will take care of it. Thanks brother.

What a month this has been. I can now focus my attention to my new life. Thanks Melissa for being so supportive with everything. I LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

  1. oh my god, that is the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. I am so surprised finding this post since I've been lazy and haven't visited our blog for a while! Jay must've been reminding you to post on daily basis huh..LOL! You are great hun! I am so proud of you! Having so much done in such a short time!I can't wait to see the basement and Armand's huge TV and play Guitar Hero! Furby will be stoked for sure when he meets Cash! :)
