Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Almost done!

How is the progress in Elliot Lake might you ask?! Well, it's been an upward battle. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. The basement apartment is almost complete. The only things that are left to do are: The vent for the bathroom, a shelf and tidy up the laundry room. That is it!
Armand moved in a few days ago and let me tell you, i am quite jealous. I should of done the modification a long time ago. Thank to everyone that gave me a hand with the remodeling.

The ice huts are back in the yard. That's an other thing i can scrach of the list. Had to move a lot of things around the yard before i brought them in. Oh, and also brought back the snowmobile from the bush. That's one more thing taken care of. Thanks Jay.

Talking about the bush. Today was the last day at the sugar bush. Mike and i spent 2 days demobbing to hill and cleaning everything. Not to bad of a season. The temperature did not cooperate but we still managed to do 102 liters of syrup. We are all sold out! weehoo...well we have 4 left... it will go fast.

The only thing i got to do before Melissa comes up for the weekend are: Clean the house, do laundry and getting things ready. There is a few odds and ends but Martin said he will take care of it. Thanks brother.

What a month this has been. I can now focus my attention to my new life. Thanks Melissa for being so supportive with everything. I LOVE YOU!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Boiling Time

Sugar bush season is coming to the end while the snow are gradually melting on the hill, SAP are running down and filled up the bucket for the last whole week. It's the boiling time for the syrup now. Jay, Pascal and Guylain visited the bush on Sunday and boiled the SAP, Guy explained to Jay how to process SAP to obtain maple syrup.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Another Newly discovered Country Song Singer I like - Adam Gregory

I have been listening to a lot of country music lately - Ya Guy is turning me into a country girl that's for sure. One thing I love the most about country music is their lyrics. Most of them are so geniune and down to earth. It really depicts the feeling and emotion of how people would feel if they are in love. I found a lot of lyrics are so beautiful. I decided to post some of the singers I started to like (mind you I never knew they even existed before, I think they are pretty awesome)

Only Know I do

How do you explain the way
the stars just hang way up in the sky
How do you explain the way
rain goes away whenever you walk by

It's a mystery just how
life can lead to a place you've never been
You've knocked on that doora hundred times before
when it suddenly let you in

I don't know why
I've been so blessed to love someone like you
I don't know whyI must confess
I only know I do

And how do you explain the way
my world has changed right before my eyes
And how do you explain the way
you gave me wingswhen I swore I could never fly

It's a mystery what you've done for me
I'm at a place I've never beenI've knocked on that door
a hundred times before
now you've suddenly let me in

In my heart, I won't question
I'll just lay here in your arms

Song that introduce me to Garth Brookes

To Make You Fell My Love -Written by Bob Dylan

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong

I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging on the rollin' sea
Down on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
But you ain't seen nothing like me yet

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
I know there's nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for youTo make you feel my love
To make you feel my love

Our Song

When we were driving to Niagara Falls, Guy heard Josh Turner playing on the radio, he said to me "This will be our song"

Would You Go With Me - Josh Turner

Would you go with me if we rolled down streets of fire
Would you hold on to me tighter as the summer sun got higher
If we roll from town to town and never shut it down

Would you go with me if we were lost in fields of clover
Would we walk even closer until the trip was over
And would it be okay if I didn't know the way

If I gave you my hand would you take it
And make me the happiest man in the world
If I told you my heart couldn't beat one more minute without you, girl
Would you accompany me to the edge of the sea
Let me know if you're really a dreamI love you so, so would you go with me

Would you go with me if we rode the clouds together
Could you not look down forever
If you were lighter than a feather
Oh, and if I set you free, would you go with me

If I gave you my hand would you take it
And make me the happiest man in the world
If I told you my heart couldn't beat one more minute without you, girl
Would you accompany me to the edge of the sea
Help me tie up the ends of a dream
I gotta know, would you go with me
I love you so, so would you go with me

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend Day 3

We took it easy on the third day. Took Guy to try Korean BBQ and we went to Main Street for a good walk! Guy was doing so great with his chopsticks while eating rice. I had to give him compliment on that since he picked it up in such a short time. He was happy to see kimchi again, he really liked it and we had to fill the plate a few times. ;) Hans is such a professional BBQ person, he really BBQ those meat well. I was glad that they were there to cook up the meat as I was pretty bad with Korea BBQ myself.

The walk on the Main street was great, what a nice day out! Furby was having a lot of fun!

After we got home, I was exhausted and took a quick nap. I got up and decided to fix Guy dinner with my own cooking instead of eating out. Guy and Hans really enjoyed the dinner and we couldn't even finish all the food. Three days passed by so fast, I was sad that Guy has to leave for home the next day. At the end of the night, Guy hold me in his arm and told me that he had a wonderful time over the weekend and he misses me already. The next few weeks will be a tough weeks for us being apart. But thinking of the good time we will have together when we meet again really keep us looking forward being together soon.

Easter Weekend Day 2

Time definitely pass by quicker when you have a full agenda to attend to. While still feeling exhausted with our eventful first day, I had planned a trip to Niagara on the lake Winery and also a trip to Niagara Fall for Guy and I for the second day. So it was Guy's first time in Panorama and it is also my first time to Niagara Falls to actually walking down the street to see all the entertaining attractions. I have passing by Niagara Falls many times in my life and somewhat remember that I've been on the boat and went underneath the falls but the memory was so faint that I couldn't remember a thing. Anyhow, I was very excited about our Winery trip to Hillebrand Winery. I knew Guy would be happy to do some wine tasting and I will be as happy just posing holding the wine glasses.

Anyhow, we got up late the second day. Guy decided to bring up the new batch of maple syrup he just made last week and made us a maple syrup bacon egg sandwich. He was so excited and was showing me and Hans of how 100% natrual syrup should taste a like. This is my first time tasting a 100% natural syrup without any sweetener in it. It is not as sweet as the kind I usually had from the supermarket and it went down my throat quite smoothly that I wouldn't feel sick of it if having too much of it. I can see why Guy was so proud of their syrup and the fact that they are selling it at such a reasonable price so people can try them out appears really genuine to me of the people from Elliot Lake. He kept on telling me his bush is for people to come and mingle but not for profit. It is his family legacy and he is a proud owner to it. He wishes one day he will have all the family and friends going up to the hill and make it a family event for everybody to come and enjoy the natural taste of a real maple syrup. Not until I met him, I didn't even know how maple syrup was made and I gotta say I am proud that maple syrup is one of the specialty products in Canada.

Because of our relaxing turtle speed of getting ready to leave the house style, we missed our appointment of the winery tour when we arrive the Winery! But we were glad since we could walk around the winery freely except the fact that we don't get to see the cellar. Anyhow, we got to taste a few different wines and were really satisified with a few bottles of them. I was happy knowing that you couldn't get these wine from LCBO, that definitely make the trip worth a while. I was telling Guy that I felt a bit dizzy after a few sips of different wine, he threw me that "R U KIDDING ME?" look after hearing that. I guess the fact that I had such a low tolerance in alchohol really hypnotize me feeling that I couldn't drink at all. :P

We left the Winery around 2pm and drove to Niagara Falls, we've lost our direction a few times on the way but was happy to see the scenary during the time we had no idea where we were. After we parked the car, we took Furby down to Niagara Falls for a walk. Such a gorgeous day, so many tourists and people out there, Furby was quite happy to see the fall. After hiding in the house for the entire winter, he was happy to see spring again. While we were walking along the fall, a family approached us and wanting to take a picture for us volunteerily so we had to do the same in return. We were happy that to get a group picture in front of the fall until we found out there was a big thumb in the picture as well. LOL it is definitely priceless.

After dropping Furby back to the car, we decided to visit two attractions along the street, I was silly enough asking to visit Frankstein. Guy asked me twice "This is the one you want to go? You sure right?" I said "Ya ya", off we go and I was screaming non-stop while Guy was laughing non-stop. During the walk, there was this guy came behind us wearing this scary mask, I saw him coming and I started running, the faster I tried to escape, he ran faster after us until I dropped it on the floor and started screaming "Go away, you are so mean". Guy tried to pull me up and said "Get up, Honey" The guy with mask stick his face in front of me while I was still screaming. Finally he walked away and we continued walking, I was telling Guy that I want to leave but the tunnel was endless and I was grabbing Guy so hard that he could barely walk. All of the sudden, another guy came behind us, I started shouting "DONT DO THAT, GO AWAY" Guy burst into laughter when I was shouting. The tunnel got darker and darker and I felt that I was going to have a heartache, at one point, the surrounding was completely dark and when the light came up, Guy saw his own reflection in the mirror and for once along the walk, he actually got startled. As for me, I just want to get the *beep* out of here. Finally we saw the Frankstein behind a glass door being tormented and screaming and bunches of body limps in different glass tin. I couldn't wait but walk faster wondering if there is going to be another person coming behind us. Finally I saw the exit and I was relieved. I don't think I am ever going to do another haunted house in my life, it's just way too scary for me. After that, we went to Crystal Cave which is actually quite fun and cool! It didn't take us long to find the exit. YAA!!

Finally we ended the day having the dinner at Ruby Tuesday,
with the salad I made. Guy was laughing when I was taking pictures of my food and amazed that I took so many pictures! To be current with me, he lifted up his plate too and said I guess I will take one too! LOL. The salad I made was soooo good, I was so proud of it. :P We left Niagara Falls at around 6:30pm and of course we ended the trip with a DQ ice cream even though we were already super full!

Easter Weekend Day 1

After being apart for 9 days since I last saw Guy at his home town, Guy decided to come down to Toronto for the Easter long weekend. I wanted to make sure it would be an eventful and memorable weekend for both of us, so I planned the agenda of the weekend starting on Tuesday. I was also very excited because we will be trying a lot of things together for the first time (either for me or him) as well.

Guy arrived Toronto on Thursday night around 12pm, I ran downstairs to receive him. He gave me a bear hug and a big kiss when he saw me. We later walked Furby to the park after we found a parking spot for the car. Guy brought a few things for me from home, a wooden paddle he really likes, a floral painting that I really like and also a photo frame with a label in the middle saying 'You are so beautiful’. He said that because he want to say that to me everyday, so if he misses a day, I can just look at the photo and remember that I am always so beautiful in his eyes. I had to push him and tell him to “Stop It” when he told me that…*blushed*
Next morning, we woke up at around 9pm. Took Furby out for a walk and then I took him to the hair salon that I always go to get a hair cut. Guy was very uneasy about the fact going to a hair salon. He said to me that it was always one of his biggest fears of going to the hair salon. He said he always had long hair because he didn’t really want to deal with the fact that people need to cut their hair so often. I promised him that I would have the stylist to leave the hair long and have the style to his like. He felt at ease after and our journey started. After careful discussion with the stylist, guy got his first haircut in Toronto. He said it will take him a few days to get used to it but he definitely likes it. I personally like it so much that I can’t stop looking at him. The only part that ruins the experience is my stylist totally messed up my hairstyle. I was looking like a old lady with the hair style she set me up with. Guy was nice enough to tell me that he likes the hairstyle a lot even though I kept on nagging about it. LOL
After the haircut, we went to the nearby Korean Restaurant for lunch. Lots food and lots dishes and great price of course. Guy loves Kimchi; he kept on saying that it is so good. I later realized that Guy could take spicier food than I do. It is great to find a partner that can share the same habit as I do as I really think it would really suck if I have to be with someone who cannot take spicy food at all. It is too bad that we didn’t have a chance to visit a Japanese restaurant this weekend or else I would really love to see Guy’s reaction when it comes to Wasabi. But I know we will have plenty of chances to try that in the future so I will save the surprise till later date.
Since my fridge is completely empty, I asked Guy to take me to shop at T&T. Yes, the Chinese supermarket that we Taiwanese are proud of. There are so many people in the supermarket when we arrive, lots good deals as well. Guy was definitely intrigued when he saw all the fishes and sea animals in the tank. He laughed and told me “HONEY, look at this craziness. That is so wild” lol. I realized that I forgot to mention to him that selling live fish in the tank is the real CHINESE STYLE. :P So they are definitely fresh and you can pick your own fish as well. I bought so much food that day, the ladies behind us looked at my cart and said “Oh my god, is she moving or something” in Taiwanese, I laughed and she realized that I understand her so she went silent after. It could create chaos when you shop in a Chinese grocery store, too many good deals, too many people and too much things to see. You really have to be patient because it could take you hours waiting in line but the price you are getting is definitely worth the wait. I was happy that I had some food in the fridge so I can cook some food during the weekend.

We came home at 5pm and decided to cancel our dinner reservation tonight at the downtown restaurant since we were still so full from lunch. We decided to snooze for an hour and got ready to go to Panorama – the restaurant that allows you to see the panoramic view of entire Downtown Toronto and also the highest patio. I have only been to Panorama twice before my visit with Guy. This is Guy’s first time in Panorama and my third time. The entrance fee is 5 dollars each to enter the 51st floor. It was a very busy night, we had to wait to get a table so we ended up going to the bar and stayed there for the night. We ordered pizza and quesadillas and it tasted really good. The pizza has spicy polish sausage in it and Guy really liked it. I really enjoy the Guatemala sauce with our quesadillas as well. We later walked out to the patio and enjoyed the view, since it was still so cold outside. We got to cuddle for a bit sitting on the sofa outside when looking at the view of downtown Toronto. It was fairly cold outside that night but we both felt really warm in each other’s arm. “What a great day” Guy said to me when we got home. He gave me a kiss and told me that “Baby, thank you for the great day” I blushed and told him that “Thank you for coming up to see me, Sweetie”.