Wednesday, April 8, 2009

2 Become 1

I thought I would write a post about how me and Guylain started and how God has brought us together so one day in the future when we sit down and reminiscing about our past, we will always remember how we were brought together.

A year ago, I set up a online profile when I received an invitation from a friend of mine to join Tagged, even though my profile was there but I was barely talking to anybody there since the messages is overflown in the mailbox most of the time. I couldn't manage to have the time to read through them or even replying them. Out of 300 friends request I had online, there are only 3 people I ever really talked to on the site. Like any other single girl and guy out there in this world, I know people are there to check what they can get and live only one day at the time. Honestly I am not too thrilled of the kind of people I see on the webiste because they all seemed kind of confused of what they really want in life and are usually there to find a quick fix of their already confusing life.

January 1st, 2009, I received a message in my mail box subject line as "would you be willing to ..." from Kano R. Out of curiosity, I click on the message. The messages consists three short lines:
" would you be willing to date me? i would come and see you! you look so pretty and seems like you are down to earth. cheers, kano"
I was intrigued when I see the message, I instantly replied him saying:

" Hi Kano:

Thanks for your message. You are definitely very blunt in your opening line.
Where are you in Canada? It seems like you are close to piloting or something.

I don't mind getting to know each other a bit more here on tagged first though if you don't mind. Happy New Year and have a great year ahead of you. Melissa"

Ever since that day, our communication started on a daily basis. Strange enough, I didn't even care to check out his pictures when we were writing to each other. The only picture I've seen or remember him on the profile is the one he standing in front of the airplane. I don't really know how he looks alike and I didn't really have the intention to find out at that time. All I know was that I enjoyed talking to guy and there is something about him that is very different from anyone I talked to on this website (I guess that bring the number to 4 at this time. :P)

After my February Taiwan trip, I returned back to Toronto on Valentine's Day. Unexpected things happened after my return, I couldn't deny the fact that I was a little bit disappointed of how my life was and of the people I met along the way. I decided that it's time for me to clear my mind and move on with my life in a better direction. So even though Guylain and I have been in communication for nearly 2 months now. I thought that I should just cut the connection and clear my mind instead confusing myself with all these people around me showing interest to be more than friends. So I sent a message to Kano letting him know that I think very little potential in us due to the distance between us. He is from Elliot Lake - place I've never heard of (which is 6 hours away from where I am), and I am from Toronto. He is French-Canadian and I am Chinese. Expecting that he would be all resentful and telling me that "I am not the only chick in town (lol, people could really get sour when they don't get what they want, I am speaking of this from my personal experience) and wish me the best. Instead, he wrote me back with the most sincere message I've never received in my life. He told me every bit of himself and what he can offer me as a person with a open mind. He didn't hide the fact that he has two kids and tell me about his background and what he can see if we can come together as one. Reading the message feeling touched, I remained neutral about the possibility between us. I don't see how this can work with us being so far apart and also he has a life style that I've never been exposed to. I told him again that I appreciated the fact he was so open to me but I still don't see how this could work between us.

He replied with the same patience and his usual tone of how he see thing could be so beautiful and we will have a great life if we decide to give each other a chance. February 28th, 2009, he came on MSN and we decided to talk for the first time via phone. Even though he was a open book when he wrote me all those messages for the last 2 months. He is actually a very shy person when it comes to phone conversation. He answered the call with a little bit of French accent in him, the conversation didn’t last long that day. But ever since that day, we moved our contact from messaging each other to talking to each other and eventually seeing each other on camera from where we were. Gradually, it felt like we were part of each other’s life because we were talking everyday even though things still feel very virtual in a way. I wasn’t really sure how I feel about this and same as Guylain. We know the only way to make this work is to meet each other and confirm our feeling. Up to this point, the entire situation still seems like a sheer dream.

I told him that my past experiences really put me off in believing the virtual world. He was so open to me and unlike any other guy I met online; he doesn’t just see the beauty of a person from outside but what he cares the most is the inner beauty of a person. He spent his time realizing who I am by listening to me and went through things piece by piece with me, he also constantly expressed how he feels about me and reminded me that he is not perfect and he will not pretend that he is. The first time in my life, I see this person talking and moving in front of me without any mask on him. I told him that I am still skeptical about the potential between us because we are too different. I am a city girl and he is from far North. I only know Bus, Subway, Car and Plane but he knows snowmobile, ATV and monster pick-up truck. My life is about 9-5, go home and walk dog and he goes to his sugar bush and tap trees to maintain his family legacy, ice fishing in winter, travelling during summer and relaxing with family during the winter. My life motto is do not regret of the bad things happened to you, learn from your past and his is you can cure everything with a good day of canoeing. Although I do consider myself as a very adventurous person but compared with his outdoorsy life style, I am still far behind.

But I know if I always put up a wall in front of me and always afraid to take risks, I will never know what will happen in my life. Instead of prolonging the possibility of us to meet, I told Guylain that if possible I hope that he can come up and confirm our feeling toward each other instead of just living in a mere dream that we might be the one for each other. Guylain did, March 14th, 2009, he showed up at my door with a cap and his sunglasses. I took Furby down to meet him and I tripped and fell into his arms when he was trying to give me a hug. We looked at each other and we both laughed. I know at that moment, we knew that something good will happen to us and we are willing to take that leap of faith and going forward to see where God will lead us to. Guylain later went to his car and gave me yellow tulip. A sense of warmth went right into my heart, that is probably one of the sweetest thing that someone has done for me in a long time. Too bad that I didn't keep the flower alive for long but Guylain said he will get me more whenever he can.
I know a lot of people out there think we are crazy and thinking that we don’t have a straight head about things that are happening between us. People usually look at the negative side of the world instead of appreciating good things that happen to your life. Guylain poked me and asked if I am real when we first met, but we know we are "balls deep" when we shared the first kiss between us. He always told me that he must be the luckiest man in the world for having the chance to meet me but what he doesn’t know is I also thank God for leading him to me so he can show me so many beautiful things in life, his passion, his beautiful kids and also the life style he is always proud of. I felt very blessed to have him in my life, the moment that we said, " I love you" to each other. We know there is no turning back. Even we were amazed how love can happened within such a short time but we both know that we are head over heels. After so much has happened in our life, we both mature more and became more rational, it not only helped us to appreciate each other more and also learned to sit down and listen to each other. Life isn’t all about having fun and getting nice things, even though our ride hasn’t been the smoothest ride so far but I know we both enjoyed every minute of it. We do have our differences and there are nights that we spent hours talking on the phone arguing one simple sentence that occurred in our conversation. At the end of the day, we both know that it only helped us to become stronger in real life and understand each other more. We promised to work from 2 to become 1 with our best, and we will learn to always appreciate each other. We both know there will be differences and there will be time that we probably don’t even want to look at each other. But I will always treasure every moment that we get to spend with each other and I will always appreciate things that is happening in our life. It took us a lot of courage to let go of our insecurities and feeling this comfortable about each other. I know if we always keep an open mind and work together, happiness will not be too far away from us.


  1. dear, I am so so happy that GOD fianlly sent you the partner who you are comfortable to be with and appreciated. Just be a brave girl and follow what your heat tells you to do, do so. thanks for sharing me your blog. 我相信我們都是被神寵愛的兒女. best wishes and love from Vicki

  2. Dear Mel, I'm so touched with this entry :) It's definately a wonderful occurance ~
