Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My First Visit to Guy's Hometown

So I decided to start a blog for Guylain and me. This has always been in my agenda - start a blog of my own, recording every bit of my life and share with my friends and family. Anyhow, the last year and half back moving back in Toronto wasn't the most memorable year of my life. I have been through a lot of ups and downs about finding a job, a place to stay and starting a life of my own. Being independent is hard at times but I am enjoying every bit of it. I finally have the chance to decorate my own place, having the stuff I like in my own place. It was a really exciting chapter of my life except the special someone never came along until I met Guylain.

Everything happened so fast, sometimes I still feel that I am in a dream. There are times that I almost wonder when will I wake up from all the things happening around Guylain and me. Both of us have some mixed feeling about the good things that are going to happen in our life and we both believe that if we believe in each other, nothing is impossible in this world. It has only been 3 weeks since we started dating, and there are a lot more in our life than just to simply have fun and enjoy each other's company. A lot of things are happening in Guylain's life and I was very happy that I could be part of it and he is sharing every moment of it with me. Although it is overwhelming at times but we both agree that we will be open with each other with our emotions and we will discuss every problems until we reach to an conclusion. The distance between us has been somewhat great, Elliot Lake is 6 hours away from Toronto. So to understand more about what I am getting myself into and to ease the anxiety of missing each other too much, I took 2 days off and start my first adventure in Elliot Lake - Guylain's hometown.
I took greyhound to Sudbury (took approximately 5 hours) and first person I saw when I got off the bus is Guylain. He was with his usual outfit with his hoodie and cap. He said that he wanted to be there first thing when I got off the bus, I arrive at 6am in the morning and both of us were really tired. The drive to Elliot Lake from Sudbury didn't take long, the ride was smooth and sweet! Guylain was showing me all sorts of country music he loves, I gotta say that is the first time in my life that I actually DON'T know any singer from that radio station. But with the environment and Guylain's out of tone humming along the trip, it started to kick in and I started to hum with him. Guylain was so certain that eventually I will be a country song lover just like he is. This guy....:")
I stayed in Elliot Lake for 4 days, everything is so beautiful up in North. The trees, shops, rock, frozen river, it looks just like the scenary in the movie Narnia. We took a short break after we reached home and then started my first adventure to Guylain's infamous sugar bush. The time we left the house, it started to snow. The snow made the entire town turn white, it was so beautiful. I couldn't stop snapping pictures in the car, Guylain laughed and said "Baby, one thing I notice about you is you LOVE taking pictures". Well, I do! I want to record every minute of it when I am here with Guylain. It opens my eyes and I am again loving every minute of it.

We were on the road for about 30 minutes before we reach the bush, we had to park the car on the path way into the bush and walked toward the sugar bush shack. When we approached the shack, I started to hear dog barking sound, two beautiful dogs ran into my eye sights. Guylain told me "Say hi to Blaze and Sadie". They are both so beautiful and I was amazed! They have the softest fur and the most beautiful eyes. The most amazing part is they can stay in the snow for hours without feeling cold! I couldn't stop playing with them, Blaze looks like a little bear and the white patches underneath his mouth. Absolutely gorgeous dogs! Sadie is actually Blaze's mom, I later met Cash - Blaze's brother as well. He is just as gorgeous as Blaze and Sadie.

My first time in sugar bush is a blast. There were so much snow, you had to walk on the track or half of your body will be buried in snow. My normal city boots could handle the weather like this, Guylain insisted me changed to his sugar bush boots which I later found brilliant because it kept me warm and I was being able to walk up the hill with it. I met Mike, Martin and Armand when I arrived. All of them are so friendly and sweet. We joked around inside the shack and then Guylain took me up to the hill to check out the new line they put up on the hill. The walk up to the hill was a difficult one, every three steps, I would sink into the snow and found my leg stuck in the snow. Guylain was with me every step of the way and tried to pull me up whenever I sinked in. I gradaully got used to it and I was being able to pull myself out of the snow. The dogs were with us the whole time, it was so cute! I thought I would be cold since I was rolling on the snow most of the time, but I was actually feeling really warm. I think having Guylain walk beside me really bring me a sense of warmth inside as well. :")

It was amazing seeing how much need to be done to maintain a sugar bush. I wished that I could've stayed longer so I can actually get to experience the tapping as well. But Guylain assure me that I will have as many chances in the future so I don't feel too bad about not being able to stay. Anyhow, we did get the water induced all the down to the shack! Now the guys would have clean mountain water to do whatever, which would definitely including a shower in the future. LOL

Guylain decided to take me out for a ride on his snowmobile. It was such a great experience, my first time on snowmobile. Mike later let me drive his machine with him sitting behind me. The dogs were chasing the machine and I hit a few breaks to avoid them. I can't believe how smart they are knowing how to avoid the machine. Later I took Guylain out for a ride with me driving, we went over a lump off the ground, it scares the hell out of Guylain and he was screaming! LOL I honestly didn't know how that happened but it felt great, that's for sure. :)

We had to call it a day after the outdoor burger feast. I haven't slept for 27 hours and it was kicking into my body system. We went back to Guylain's house and crashed.

Later three days, we spent time going through his stuff and kids's stuff so we can get the house cleaned and ready to rent out. Guylain showed me a lot of his teeanger pictures, he had long blonde hair, it was absolutely priceless. I had to steal a few pictures and put it in my purse. He was looking way too cute in the pictures and I gotta to have them! Cash was following us everywhere when we packed the boxes, such a beautiful dog. I told Guy that I want a puppy just like Blaze and Cash if Blaze and Blanche every make more puppies in the future. Guylain said he gotta think about it - I hope he changes his mind by the time the puppies are available. :)

On the second night, we went to No Frills and got some groceries. We cook Curry and some stir-fry that night. I definitely need to polish my cooking skill since I haven't really cook anything for a while already. Guylain made a delicious ceaser salad! But he was nagging when I couldn't finish it because I said there are too much dressing! :P It was a great night, we watched "unborn" until we went to bed.

The third day in town, I got to meet the kids! Diminique came over at 11am, an absolute cute boy. He and Guylain started playing on PS2, I heated him some food for lunch. Three of us were looking online for the walkthrough of his game and later I played Shoot-a-Whoop with Dominique and LOST!! I had to do push up but I was too weak so I cheated with only 1. Later game, Dominique lost so he had to kiss his poodle on the mouth. It was so cute, too bad the camaera was out of battery at that time or I would definitely snap a few shots there.

We had a great dinner later that night at Guylain's mom's house. I met his mom, she is so gorgeous at her age and great body condition. I can see some resemblance between Guy and his mom. Mika joined us shortly before dinner. She was a bit shy at first when we met but she really opened up after with all the toys around her. She really looks like Guylain and her hair was so blonde and soft. Mika speaks more French than English, we were all sitting in the living room trying to learn different languages. I hope one day I can speak fluent French as well. After dinner, Dominique, Jerry and I played Risks board game. What a game, it really needs a lot of mind power to think what to do to conquer the world. Time went by fast when we were having a great time, we had to send the kids home before 8pm. Guy's mom gave me a candle with a candle holder. It was so sweet of her, I had such an awesome great time.

My last day in Elliot Lake, we went to visit Mike and his house. Mike lost his house with a fire and the people in the town all came together and helped him to build a new house. It has such a beautiful view since the house is adjacent to the river, huge backyard and porch. Lori cooked us dinner after she came back from work. That is again my first time having home made fries, it was delicious!!! Again, the camera was out of batter or I would definitely take some pictures of the food! :P Since my train was leaving at 2:20am the same night, we had to call it the day after the dinner and went home. I also got to see Guylain's ATV when I was at Mike's house, I will upload some pictures after. Guylain's computer is not responding fast enough now after I install some chinese programs! LOL....poor computer!
4 days flew by so fast, now I am back in the city. I will give a 10 out of 10 rating for my first trip to Elliot Lake, I had so many first times - First time up North, First time in Sugar Bush, First time on VIA train, First time trying homemade fries, First time on ATV, First time on snowmobile, First time meeting Guylain's kids, First time meeting Guylain's mom and Jerry, First time playing Risks, First time cooking together and definitely a First time to Elliot Lake.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good entry, Mel! Keep up the good work. Hope to get more updates about your happy life here :)
