Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My first entry

Well, what a month this has been. Like Melissa has mentioned, there is a lot going on in our lives. It has been very busy and at the same time super exciting. I was able to rent the house to two of my very good friends. Martin will be renting the upper 2 floors and Armand will be moving into the basement once I finish renovations. Can't wait until its done to see the final results of my madness.

I have been spending a lot of time at the sugar bush. This year, we decided to revamp and upgrade our main hill with new main lines, tub line and wire. So i did spend more time than usual at Natures High maple bush. I am very lucky to have 2 great partners, Pascal and Mike to help me out. Also we have a great circle of friends that loves to come out and support and help us. Thanks to all of you, without you, we would not be where we are today.

Melissa and I bought a car to travel to Elliot Lake to see the kids every 2 weeks. What a beautiful car. I am so excited for Melissa to see the new car. I will fit right in with Toronto life with my new wheels...well new to me that is.

Many of my friends say I am crazy for moving to Toronto and getting involved with a city girl. The fact is, I am so excited for my new life and I am in love. Love works in mysterious ways. Both of us know that there will be challenges ahead of us...I do believe every relationship have their difficulties and challenges. The only thing I am asking for everyone is to be supportive for us and show some support. We are both very happy and looking forward in establishing a relationship and roots for our future and our kids....:)

Melissa is waiting for my I will cut it short for now...cheers to all that are interested in our blog and again our future together!

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