Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend Day 3

We took it easy on the third day. Took Guy to try Korean BBQ and we went to Main Street for a good walk! Guy was doing so great with his chopsticks while eating rice. I had to give him compliment on that since he picked it up in such a short time. He was happy to see kimchi again, he really liked it and we had to fill the plate a few times. ;) Hans is such a professional BBQ person, he really BBQ those meat well. I was glad that they were there to cook up the meat as I was pretty bad with Korea BBQ myself.

The walk on the Main street was great, what a nice day out! Furby was having a lot of fun!

After we got home, I was exhausted and took a quick nap. I got up and decided to fix Guy dinner with my own cooking instead of eating out. Guy and Hans really enjoyed the dinner and we couldn't even finish all the food. Three days passed by so fast, I was sad that Guy has to leave for home the next day. At the end of the night, Guy hold me in his arm and told me that he had a wonderful time over the weekend and he misses me already. The next few weeks will be a tough weeks for us being apart. But thinking of the good time we will have together when we meet again really keep us looking forward being together soon.

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