Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend Day 2

Time definitely pass by quicker when you have a full agenda to attend to. While still feeling exhausted with our eventful first day, I had planned a trip to Niagara on the lake Winery and also a trip to Niagara Fall for Guy and I for the second day. So it was Guy's first time in Panorama and it is also my first time to Niagara Falls to actually walking down the street to see all the entertaining attractions. I have passing by Niagara Falls many times in my life and somewhat remember that I've been on the boat and went underneath the falls but the memory was so faint that I couldn't remember a thing. Anyhow, I was very excited about our Winery trip to Hillebrand Winery. I knew Guy would be happy to do some wine tasting and I will be as happy just posing holding the wine glasses.

Anyhow, we got up late the second day. Guy decided to bring up the new batch of maple syrup he just made last week and made us a maple syrup bacon egg sandwich. He was so excited and was showing me and Hans of how 100% natrual syrup should taste a like. This is my first time tasting a 100% natural syrup without any sweetener in it. It is not as sweet as the kind I usually had from the supermarket and it went down my throat quite smoothly that I wouldn't feel sick of it if having too much of it. I can see why Guy was so proud of their syrup and the fact that they are selling it at such a reasonable price so people can try them out appears really genuine to me of the people from Elliot Lake. He kept on telling me his bush is for people to come and mingle but not for profit. It is his family legacy and he is a proud owner to it. He wishes one day he will have all the family and friends going up to the hill and make it a family event for everybody to come and enjoy the natural taste of a real maple syrup. Not until I met him, I didn't even know how maple syrup was made and I gotta say I am proud that maple syrup is one of the specialty products in Canada.

Because of our relaxing turtle speed of getting ready to leave the house style, we missed our appointment of the winery tour when we arrive the Winery! But we were glad since we could walk around the winery freely except the fact that we don't get to see the cellar. Anyhow, we got to taste a few different wines and were really satisified with a few bottles of them. I was happy knowing that you couldn't get these wine from LCBO, that definitely make the trip worth a while. I was telling Guy that I felt a bit dizzy after a few sips of different wine, he threw me that "R U KIDDING ME?" look after hearing that. I guess the fact that I had such a low tolerance in alchohol really hypnotize me feeling that I couldn't drink at all. :P

We left the Winery around 2pm and drove to Niagara Falls, we've lost our direction a few times on the way but was happy to see the scenary during the time we had no idea where we were. After we parked the car, we took Furby down to Niagara Falls for a walk. Such a gorgeous day, so many tourists and people out there, Furby was quite happy to see the fall. After hiding in the house for the entire winter, he was happy to see spring again. While we were walking along the fall, a family approached us and wanting to take a picture for us volunteerily so we had to do the same in return. We were happy that to get a group picture in front of the fall until we found out there was a big thumb in the picture as well. LOL it is definitely priceless.

After dropping Furby back to the car, we decided to visit two attractions along the street, I was silly enough asking to visit Frankstein. Guy asked me twice "This is the one you want to go? You sure right?" I said "Ya ya", off we go and I was screaming non-stop while Guy was laughing non-stop. During the walk, there was this guy came behind us wearing this scary mask, I saw him coming and I started running, the faster I tried to escape, he ran faster after us until I dropped it on the floor and started screaming "Go away, you are so mean". Guy tried to pull me up and said "Get up, Honey" The guy with mask stick his face in front of me while I was still screaming. Finally he walked away and we continued walking, I was telling Guy that I want to leave but the tunnel was endless and I was grabbing Guy so hard that he could barely walk. All of the sudden, another guy came behind us, I started shouting "DONT DO THAT, GO AWAY" Guy burst into laughter when I was shouting. The tunnel got darker and darker and I felt that I was going to have a heartache, at one point, the surrounding was completely dark and when the light came up, Guy saw his own reflection in the mirror and for once along the walk, he actually got startled. As for me, I just want to get the *beep* out of here. Finally we saw the Frankstein behind a glass door being tormented and screaming and bunches of body limps in different glass tin. I couldn't wait but walk faster wondering if there is going to be another person coming behind us. Finally I saw the exit and I was relieved. I don't think I am ever going to do another haunted house in my life, it's just way too scary for me. After that, we went to Crystal Cave which is actually quite fun and cool! It didn't take us long to find the exit. YAA!!

Finally we ended the day having the dinner at Ruby Tuesday,
with the salad I made. Guy was laughing when I was taking pictures of my food and amazed that I took so many pictures! To be current with me, he lifted up his plate too and said I guess I will take one too! LOL. The salad I made was soooo good, I was so proud of it. :P We left Niagara Falls at around 6:30pm and of course we ended the trip with a DQ ice cream even though we were already super full!

1 comment:

  1. niagara fall looks fun....the lunch u guys had looks delicious
